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Introduction to Buildings

Course Plan: Building Class for Kids

This course introduces kids to the fascinating world of buildings, exploring their types, functions, and basic engineering principles, followed by hands-on activities to inspire creativity and understanding.

Course Objectives

  1. Introduce children to different types of buildings and architectural styles.
  2. Teach basic engineering concepts, including load paths and structural stability.
  3. Foster creativity and problem-solving skills through a DIY building project using popsicle sticks and adhesives.

Course Outline

Week 1: Introduction to Buildings

Topics Covered:

  • What is a building?
  • Types of buildings: apartments, houses, skyscrapers, bridges, etc.
  • Uses of buildings: residential, commercial, recreational, and industrial.


  • Building Showcase: Show images or videos of famous buildings around the world.
  • Discussion: Ask students to describe their favorite buildings and why they like them.

Week 2: Explore Different Building Styles

Topics Covered:

  • Architectural styles: traditional, modern, eco-friendly, etc.
  • Materials used in construction: wood, brick, steel, glass.
  • How location affects building design (e.g., desert homes vs. urban skyscrapers).


  • Drawing Time: Have students sketch their dream building.
  • Style Matching: Provide cut-outs of buildings and have kids match them to their architectural style.

Week 3: Basics of Engineering and Load Paths

Topics Covered:

  • How buildings stand up: foundation, beams, columns, and roofs.
  • Load paths: transferring weight from the top of the building to the ground.
  • Importance of stability in design.


  • Simple Load Path Demonstration: Use books, blocks, or other weights to show how load distribution works on different shapes (e.g., a triangle, square, or rectangle).
  • Balance Test: Build small structures with blocks and test their stability under various loads.

Week 4: DIY Building Project

Topics Covered:

  • Applying what we’ve learned: designing and building with popsicle sticks.
  • Importance of joints and connections in construction.
  • Problem-solving during the building process.


  • Plan Your Build: Each child sketches a simple building they want to create.
  • Build It: Use popsicle sticks, tape, or glue to create their structure.
  • Test It: Test the stability of their designs by placing small weights on top or gently blowing air.

Week 5: Presentation and Reflection

Topics Covered:

  • Showcasing creations and explaining design choices.
  • Reflecting on what worked and what could be improved.


  • Show and Tell: Each student presents their building to the class.
  • Building Exhibition: Set up a mini-exhibition of all the students’ projects for parents or visitors.

Materials Needed

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Tape and/or glue
  • Markers and colored pencils
  • Paper for sketches
  • Images or videos of famous buildings
  • Lightweight materials for load testing (e.g., coins, small toys)

Skills Gained

  • Creativity and imagination
  • Basic engineering and architecture knowledge
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Teamwork and communication during discussions and presentations

This course is designed to be fun, interactive, and educational, giving kids a hands-on introduction to the world of buildings and engineering! Let me know if you’d like to adjust or expand any part of the plan.


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